
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

The most famous bands of England

England has many famous bands that have made and continue to make history, and marked the lives of many people with their music.
Some artists revolutionized the music, and influenced many new bands today.
Here is a list of some names:
Jimi Hendrix with his guitar forever changed the world of music, The Beatles Liverpool boys considered by many as the best band of all time, Iron Maiden playing notes at almost the speed of light, the metal pioneers Black Sabbath British Led Zeppelin with its infectious music, Pink Floyd were pioneers in progressive rock songs magnificent, The Rolling Stones rock bands of the world's oldest and still add a lot of fans for the fan base they already have, Simply Red one of the most famous pop bands of the world.
These are just some of the bands that marked the world, surely many are still missing to complete the list.

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